Tuesday, May 22, 2018


The call of God is a call of testimonies. It’s a call of conviction and witnessing. God the Father expects all His children to have a testimony and keep it with them forever. The Encarta English Dictionary defines testimony as “something that supports a fact or a claim”. Many Christians claim that God is Omnipotent – thus All Powerful and indeed He is – yet because they lack testimonies, they most often than not make their problems bigger than God. They sometimes think God can do all things but their situation is exceptional and it’s beyond the ability of God. They magnify their problems over the Almighty God; how sad it is!

The early church was convinced of the Mighty Power of God. They believed they could do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthened them (Philippians 4:13). They had received one thing from the Lord and that was enough conviction for them that the Lord could do all things for them. No wonder they were seeing results. The more you keep your testimonies, the more testimonies you have!

John the Apostle heard and saw Jesus transfigured (Mark 9:2). When Jesus raised the daughter of Jairus from death, John was there with Jesus (Mark 5:21-43). When Jesus resurrected from the dead, John was there when He appeared to the disciples (John 20:19-23). At Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, John was with the disciples (Acts 1:1-11). At the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was come upon the disciples, John was one of them. So John had a testimony; he heard Jesus and saw His works. He was then convinced and nothing could change his mind about the Word of life. What have you seen? What have you heard? What is your conviction? What is your testimony? John’s testimony made him stronger to stand and conquer all battles until He was called home.

1 John 1:1-2
1 That which was from the beginning, which WE HAVE HEARD, WHICH WE HAVE SEEN with our eyes, WHICH WE HAVE LOOKED UPON and TOUCHED WITH OUR HANDS, concerning the Word of life
2 The life was made manifest, and WE SAW IT, and TESTIFY TO IT, and PROCLAIM to you the eternal life which was with the Father and was made MANIFEST TO US

In this life, one cannot dispute your personal testimony. No one could challenge the personal testimony of John. His testimony and conviction about God was enough for his living. It is your testimony that can drive you – and others into victory. It is jeopardy to lose your testimony in this journey of life! It is your testimony that can take you far in this life. Testimonies are weapons God has given to the church to overcome any battle.

Revelation 12:11
And they have conquered him by the BLOOD of the Lamb and by the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, for they loved not their lives even unto death.

Thank God the blood of the Lamb has already been shed; what is left of you is to hold onto your testimony in order to overcome your accuser. You need to have a testimony and you need to keep it forever. Why do you lose your testimony and be afraid of the storm starring at you? Haven’t you read of the Lord who calms the storm and that if only you will invite Him into the situation, you shall experience total calmness and peace?

Excerpts from the book "THE UNFAILING WEAPONS OF A BELIEVER". Contact 0203828999 and grab your copy  Now! 

Richard Adu Poku
fb: https://www.facebook.com/richard.adu.poku45
Email: richardadupoku2045@gmail.com

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