Wednesday, June 2, 2021

No More 'Charge Sheet'- Justification Through Jesus Christ


Our justification in Christ can be related in this way; in our country’s [Ghana] judicial system – and in other jurisprudences – anyone who is brought before the law court to be tried of a criminal offence will have all matters relating to his crime or offence put on a Charge Sheet.

And before the Judge can sit and examine the case of the accused person, there must be a charge sheet which contains details of his crime; without which the Judge cannot sit on the matter and give judgement.

Without the charge sheet, the only option would be to dismiss the case and acquit the accused. Since the document that contains his charges cannot be found, it is tantamount to no charge and therefore no offense.

This is exactly what Christ Jesus has done for us on the cross. He has taken away the ‘Charge Sheet’ that contained our cases. The Judge therefore has no option than to dismiss the case and release us free of charge.

Colossians 2:14 (NIV)

14 Having cancelled the CHARGE of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; He has taken it away, nailing it to the cross.

Jesus has nailed our charge sheet to the cross. There is no trace of our offense whatsoever. We have been discharged and declared not guilty because there is no charge sheet! Praise God!

When God sees me – as a Christian, He sees Christ and His sinless nature in me. All my sins have been blotted away by Christ Jesus. I am therefore justified freely through Him. Hallelujah!

Richard Adu Poku


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