Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Does God Show Favouritism? Why Are Some People Rich and Others Poor?

Praise God!
I attempt to share my thoughts in response to questions from a believer. Below are the questions.

“Good evening family,
I please want to know whether:
1. God has favourites Or love some more than others,
- if yes, why?
-if no, why?
2. Why are some more successful and wealthy than others.
Responses with biblical evidence will highly be appreciated.”

Kindly find my answer below…

The first question has a direct link to the subject of Predestination or divine Election/Selection of some people for salvation (Another time if the Lord permits we can look at the subject of Predestination).

From time immemorial there exist an ‘unending’ debate within theological circles and among bible students as to whether or not God has already predestined [already decided] the salvation or otherwise of all people.

While both ‘factions’ have seemingly biblical evidences to support their claims, I wish to emphasize –  even as I said it somewhere not long ago –  that one can make the bible say whatever they want it to say.

For instance Genesis 4:8 reads “… Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him”.  Also, in Luke 10:37, Jesus our Lord made a statement and it reads “…Go and do likewise”. Any person with ill-induced intention could maliciously quote these two scriptures to the ‘unlearned people’ and charge them to go and murder others.

This may be an extreme case but the point is one can make the bible say whatever they want it to say.

Romans 9:13 reads “As it is written, "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated."”
Now on whether or not God has favourites, those who believe God has favourites quote scriptures like Malachi 1:2-4, Romans 9:10-13, Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29, and the like.

Romans 2:11 reads “For God shows no partiality”.
On the other hand, those who believe God does not have favourites also quote scriptures like Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, Galatians 2:6, Ephesians 6:9, Colossians 3:25 among others. 

In the light of both ‘evidences’ I have always believed in the latter. Thus I believe God does not have favourites except that we are unable to fathom and explain in full terms how God relate with mankind. Below is my reason.

First of all, God is sovereign and therefore no one instructs Him on what to do or not (See 1 Chronicles 29:11-12, Isaiah 40:13, Romans 11:34, 1 Cor 2:16, Job 21:22; 36:22-23).

Secondly sin is not found in God so what is considered as sin (including showing of favouritism –James 2:9) is apart from God (see Psalms 92:15, Deut 32:4, Romans 9:14).

Thirdly, as human beings, favouritism or partiality is best understood when it is based on conditions such as social class, relations, wealth, actions etc.
But the favour of God cannot be earned. It cannot be bought and it cannot be worked for. We may explain the favour of God and quote examples, but no one knows how to earn it. It an absolute prerogative of God! After all for ALL have sinned (see Romans 3:23)

Most often than not, when we are talking about God preserving the nation Israel from whom came our Lord Jesus Christ, we easily forget that they were the only nation which received the laws from God. They were restricted in several things because of their relationship with God and they were punished anytime they disobeyed (ref. Deut 28:1-68).

In order not to deviate from the main discourse, let me give you what the bible says about favouritism– for we can look at God as A Covenant Making and Covenant Keeping God at another time when He permits.  

Scriptures are clear that God does not show favouritism and takes no bribe (see Romans 2:11, Colossians 3:25, Deut 10:17, Job 34:19, 1 Peter 1:17)

Also, the Bible admonishes believers not to show favouritism. James 2:1-4 reads “My brethren, show no partiality as you hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory….”. This teaching is also in the Old Testament (ref. Exo 23:3, Deut. 1:17, Lev 19:15). I believe if God has favourites, He will not prohibit us from having same.

Again, the bible calls showing favouritism a sin (see James 2:9). There is no sin in God.

Moreover Paul charged Timothy – and church leaders for that matter not to show favouritism probably because it is a sin (see 1 Tim 5:21).

In summary, we human beings give favour to those of the same tribe, nation, fellowship among other reasons, but God has no one tribe, or belong to no one nation because He made us all and love us all equally.

In John 3:16, God did not give Jesus to some people in this world but He gave Him to the whole world, thus every person in the world.

On the second question, I believe there are principles for prosperity which are natural and it appears these principles work for both believers and non-believers alike. Jesus our Lord once said “… the children of this world are in their generation wiser [shrewd] than the children of light” (Luke 16:8 KJV).

Kindly consider a believer who goes to sleep while it rains and the unbeliever who gathers their barrels to collect water. When the next day comes, the unbeliever will have plenty of water, but the ‘sleeping believer’ will need to go and borrow from their unbelieving neighbour.

My intuition is built from Genesis 8:22 which reads “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease."

I believe there is always a seedtime and there is always a harvest time. I attribute the riches of Solomon to one huge sacrifice he made to God one night which brought him that divine visitation that changed his fortunes forever (see 1 Kings 3:3-14). 

Solomon gave thousand burnt offering one night (well you and I may not appreciate the value of that but certainly it was not a mean sacrifice), and the Lord visited him and told him “Ask what I shall give you” (verse 5).

But the sad thing is that most of us have been taught of these principles for prosperity but we are unable to put them into practice for whatever reason. Well, knowledge of something has no effect on a person unless they apply it to life.

Someone may say the blessings of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrow. This is true and is accepted wholeheartedly, yet the blessings of the Lord do not work in a vacuum. All genuine wealthy people may tell you “It is the blessings of God” but if you are to probe further, they will reveal to you some ‘secret’ sacrifices they have made.

I believer Abraham was promised prosperity after he has ‘sacrificed’ or let go off the gods of his fathers (Genesis 12 following). These things make me think there is no prosperity without sacrifice.

Having said these, let me add that we know in parts and we see in parts (see 1 Cor 13:12) and therefore not all that we know explain everything that exist.

Come to think of this, while the disciples – and the Jews for that matter have been taught (probably from the Old Testament Scriptures) that people are inflicted with certain kind of diseases as a result of their sins or the sins of their relations, Jesus comes to say that it is not always the case (see John 9:1-3). And that sometimes God allows certain diseases on people for His own glory.

While I was in the University of Ghana some years ago, I always thanked God for always walking to lectures or to church meetings from the hall/hostel and not driving in my own car to these gatherings.

Well, I thought that people’s affluence or riches make them forget about God – though it is debatable.

This was because while I was in African Union Hall (Pentagon), some of us were committed to godly stuff, but these guys were also flashing around with their cars, smoking, and doing of manners things.

So I reasoned that if I were as rich as them, I probably would have forgotten church and God, and probably would be part of them. So I was always thankful to God for my life and what I had at that time.

So perhaps someone may observe all these prosperity principles but God who knows the end from the beginning (see Isaiah 46:9-10) may disallow the person from becoming so rich in order for Him to keep a good relationship with him or her.

This is consistent with Proverbs 30:7-9 which reads “…lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, "Who is the LORD?...” Otherwise, when you sow, you must reap (see Galatians 6:9, 1 Cor 15:58).
May the Almighty God help us to walk in His purpose even unto prosperity (3 John 1:2)

God bless you!

Richard Adu Poku


Tuesday, September 10, 2019



You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. This statement means that there is “The Truth”. In fact truth is not relative as post-modernists will want us to believe. A lot of people are suffering and struggling unnecessarily because they fail to know the truth. In this book The Unfailing Weapons of a Believer, Richard Adu Poku has drawn our attention to that truth. He identified that if believers are ignorant of their position as a children of God, Satan will take advantage of their ignorance and abuse them. They will be hungry even though they have abundance.

Apostle Christian Tsekpoe
-          Minister, The Church of Pentecost
-          Lecturer, Pentecost University College

Friday, September 6, 2019


1 Corinthians 1:10 (NIV)
"He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us again. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us"

Reflecting on the past and recounting the numerous salvation the Lord has brought to me, I have nothing to say but THANK YOU FATHER. I have every reason under the sun to rejoice in the Lord Jesus, my Saviour because He has been good to me.

If I have come this far, it is because I am coming from FAR and I know I am not still yet there -for the Lord Himself has told me. Those who really know me know that some of us are coming from a very FAAARR place.It is only #PureGRACE that can take people like us from our villages and send us to places. This is the Lord's doing and it is marvelous in our sight.
Indeed #Hope do not put us in shame (Romans 5:5). Though there are times we are down, but the Lord has not given up on us. He always lifts us up and continues to lead us by His Spirit.
I am thankful to God, my Heavenly Father, thankful to Christ Jesus, my Lord and Saviour and I am thankful to the great and Mighty One, the Holy Spirit. His guidance has been awesome though I know I sometimes make it difficult for Him.
I am thankful to everyone who has been part of my Journey of life. God bless you all! From my family to spiritual fathers and mothers, friends and colleagues and everyone. You have been awesome all these years!.
So as I commemorate the Lord's favour and goodness upon my life, I pray that I will continue to abide under His anointing.
#Hour of Hope#

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Praise God!

A friend asked this question some few hours ago-the question has been paraphrased just for the the purpose of the write up. I told him this and I feel I should share with you

In reference to the things mentioned above, I believe Scriptures are not as plain as the issues of fornication, adultery, idolatry etc have been fiercely condemned (see Galatians 5:19-21). It therefore becomes very taxing handling issues such as these.

And please bear in mind that the Bible can ‘say’ whatever you would want it to say. For instance, Jesus said in Luke 10:37b (New Living Translation)‘Go and do the same’. And we also know in Genesis that Cain killed his brother Abel (See Genesis 4:8). Someone with whatever intention can just quote these two scriptures and ‘charge’ people to go and murder others. This may be an extreme case but the point I want to underscore is that one can make the Bible say whatever they want it to say.

With my traveling experience, I think that matters of such nature depend on the individual faith, custom or culture and how the Spirit of God within the Christian leads them.  After all, at a point in time, the Apostle Paul appealed to custom in his defense ... (see 1 Corinthians 11:16). So custom and cultures are very important in our Christian faith.

I also think one of the best scripture - if not the best - that answers these matters is ROMANS 14.

So as I have already said (I continue on a follow-up question), matters of such nature can be situated in the Romans 14. For instance one believes Saturday is a sabbath and must therefore observe is accordingly. Yet another thinks all days are holy and can be observed as ‘sabbath’. So let the one who chooses only Saturday NOT judge the other and let the other NOT despise the one who chooses Saturday. (See verse 3)

Now on the cultural issue, let’s consider this. As a Ghanaian, I cannot use my left hand on the elderly. If I do, it will be considered as disrespectful and that will be a sin to me but the  Korean or American uses the left hand for ‘everything’ and on everyone. But this in no way could be a sin to them because it is culturally acceptable.

Now on the issue of hair plaiting, make up (though I don’t know what is missing and need to be made up 😅), I believe it’s not a sin and therefore I can do it. If another thinks it’s a sin, let them abstain. Remember anything done out of faith is a sin (See Romans 14:23).

Having said this, let me add that the love of Christ constrains us (2 Corinthians 5:14). Some time past, while we evangeliszed on the field, we admonished the women who were with us not to wear trousers for outreach. We did that not because we were against it (they were allowed to wear them while we were home especially at night because of mosquitoes bites) but because of our hearers of whom we perceived some opposed women wearing trousers. So we became everything to every man so at least we may win some (See 1 Corinthians 9:19).

In conclusion, the spirit of God is within us and we can allow Him to lead us on every decision pertaining to life and godliness. Please meditate on Romans 14!

#Hour of Hope#

Richard Adu Poku

Saturday, April 27, 2019


For once I couldn't agree with one of my admirers in the world of media Mr. Paul Adom Otchere. Below is my rebuttal to the claims he made in this video. You can kindly watch the video which is shared on my Facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/richard.adu.poku45

I respectively don't subscribe to the idea that monogamy is only for the one who desires to be a bishop. The Apostle Paul never alluded to that and we can't also say that.
If the Apostle indeed accepted polygamy but exempted bishops from it, could we also say that he approved drunkenness, quarrelsome, love for money, violence in the church since in the same context, he said a bishop must not wear those characters? We will best appreciate the instructions of the Apostle after we have looked at it contextually and do a bit of hermeneutics on the text.
Apostle Paul never vouched for polygamy, why would he? After all he at a point in time preferred no one even married (see 1 Cor 7:1). But that was not the end of it. He also said that everyone must have one wife (see 1 Corinthians 7:2).

You see in the past God spoke to our ancestors many times and in MANY WAYS through the prophets but in these last days, He has spoken to us through His Son our Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1). 

Also in the past (before the coming of our Lord Jesus Chr
ist), God the Father overlooked such things like this but now He commands all men everywhere to change from it (See Acts 17:30-31).

As I aforementioned in my earlier comment, when you are in Christ, it's a different calling altogether. And remember that not everything in the Bible was written to us but everything was written for us. 

As a Christian, if the Bible rejects a person to become a leader because he is a polygamous and put polygamy in the bracket of violence, love of money, drunkenness (of which are all unacceptable), I'm sorry, I will at all times de associate myself from it and preach against it anytime I have the opportunity. 

God in His finite wisdom gave Adam -from the beginning one wife, thus Eve. God could have added Gifty, Mary, Yvonne, Cynthia and what have you to Adam, more especially when it pleased Adam when he woke up to his lifetime 'surprise'. (See Genesis 2:21-25). After all what problem does polygamy come to solve. The problem was that man didn't have a suitable companion and God solved it by giving man ONE woman so why polygamy? 

As a follower of Jesus Christ who is the second and last Adam (see 1 Corinthians 15:45), I will subscribe to what existed in the beginning. Certain things didn't exist in the beginning so Jesus said "...but from the beginning it was not so... " (see Matt 19:8). I believe in Christ, we receive what existed from the beginning and that's what we have to align with and propagate as well.

I believe the Christian man must marry ONE WOMAN only if he wants to marry as it is thought in Scripture (precisely the New Testament and the beginning of the Old Testament) and as all the other churches of the Lord Jesus believe and preach.

In summary;

1. Monogamy existed in the beginning not polygamy (Adam and Eve Genesis 2:21-25)

2. As people in Christ Who is the last Adam, we have to follow what existed in the ‘beginning’ (Matthew 19:8)

3. Polygamy does not solve any problem. The only problem that existed was solved by God Himself and the solution was MONOGAMY (Genesis 2:21-25)

4. God in the past overlooked such things like polygamy but commands us all to change from it (Acts 17:30-31)

5. Apostle Paul admonished any Christian man who wants to marry to have ONE wife (1 Cor 7:1)
6. Polygamous, like drunkard, lover of money and people with the like characters are disqualified from becoming church leaders (1 Tim 3:2-4)

7. If drunkenness, love for money are unacceptable, polygamy is not an exception in the context of 1 Timothy 3


Tuesday, April 16, 2019


“After all, you must make careful plans before you fight a battle, and the more good advice you get, the more likely you are to win” –Proverbs 24:6 (GNT).

Life is a battle, full of uncertainties and different probabilities of different events. But every battle has three outcomes; thus either win, loss, or tie. But the battles of life have only two outcomes- either win or loss – because your ‘opponent’ never stops fighting until he overcomes you or vice versa. 

We wage war in this life – in the physical, spiritual and the soulish world. But for us Christians, most of our battles are done in the spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:3). We fight against many things and many things fight against us. Most often than not the outcomes of these battles are uncertain (except that with Christ we are more than conquerors).

Nonetheless, in these battles, the more good advice you get, the more likely you are to win. So I ask again “Who are your advisers”? Who counsels you? Which friends do you keep? Who do you share your secrets with?

Some battles are meant to last for a day, or two, others, a month or a year and so on. But the surety is that every battle has an end (after all even 1st and 2nd world war came to an end). And what is more important is who wins the battle. But your battle could be longer if you lack good advisers.

In this battle of life, which kind of advisers (friends) surround you to ensure your safety and victory? Are they able to give you enough good advice to guarantee victory?

Just take a minute to reflect; don’t you think things are unwell because of the friends you are keeping? Friends can make or unmake you (1 Corinthians 15:33). The popular adage says “Show me your friend and I will show you your future (paraphrased).

You should be very careful of the friends you keep. Keep good friends because in the multitudes of counsellors there is safety. Beware of dogs, beware of bad friends!

Richard Adu Poku
Email: richardadupoku2045@gmail.com
#Hour of Hope#

Thank You God, thank you everyone!

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations (Psalm 33:11 RSV)
Blessed be to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus for granting such people like us the opportunity to do further studies outside our home country. This is PURE GRACE at work fuelled by the unflinching love of God. Thank you Christ Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, thank You Great and Mighty One, the Holy Spirit!
I believe in God who makes way where there seems to be no way and I am a living testimony to that. Beloved trust in the good God, believe in His goodness and He shall direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).
May the Lord who remembered and visited Sarah while she was yet without a child, Daniel while he was in the lions' den, Joseph while he was in prison and continues to visit us in our days also remember you and meet you at the point of your need.
On this note I would like to thank Mr. Kwame Asumadu-Yeboa and Mrs. Victoria Adobea Asumadu - Yeboa for the immeasurable support. Thank you Mr. Evans Osei-Annor and Mrs. Frema Osei-tutu, forever I will be grateful!. Thank you my father Elder George Amponsah and my boss Mrs. Akua Kyeremateng, you have shown me true love. Thank you Pastor Eric Asare and AEWC.
Thank you my mums Georgina Mensah, Augustina Gyamerah and my uncle Isaac Marfo. To my friend and brother Krys Sarpho Ehjahpong Ahmanpene, you were the brain behind this, God bless! Thank you my dear Cynthia Zenore, you are such a wonderful friend! Thank you my brothers Emmanuel Kwame ApeaSeth OwusuNana Kwaku Boakye; friendship with you guys have drawn me more closer to the Lord!
All those names I couldn't mention, God bless you all; God bless everyone!